The GPA calculation is just an estimate. It does NOT represent your official grades. Please talk to your advisor if you are unsure how to use it or have any questions. If your GPA calculation is at a critical point, talk to your advisor. This calculator does not round up. If the calculation of your GPA is a 2.897, it will not round up to a 2.90 when using it. Your academic standing is based on your Ohio Wesleyan University grades only and not combined with your transfer credit GPA.

Semester Prediction

Enter the course, number of credits, and letter grade you will receive or expect to get for each course. Withdrawals (W) do not count. However, WF still counts as an F.

Add Row
Credits Letter Grade Quality Points
Semester Credits Semester Credit Points
  Estimated GPA for this semester
To calculate your estimated institutional GPA, enter in the below fields your current GPA AND the total GPA credits earned (including WF or F's, but not W's).
Prior Credits Taken Current Institutional GPA
Estimated GPA