Upon registering for courses, you will be automatically enrolled into the program. Once you've successfully selected your courses, the bookstore will start preparing your order.
Starting 30 days before the first day of classes, you will receive an email to verify your order and select your fulfillment preference.
An email notification will be sent when your order is ready for pickup or when it ships. Your digital materials will be delivered for your course(s) within Blackboard.
First Day® Complete is a course materials fulfillment program that ensures students have their required course materials on the first day of class. Administered by Barnes & Noble College in partnership with OWU, the program provides all required textbooks, lab manuals, access codes, and digital textbook versions to eligible students.
NOTE: By default, each new semester ALL registered students are opted-IN to the program. EACH student must take action EVERYsemester to ensure proper implementation of the First Day Complete program.
After registering for classes, students receive a personalized email from Barnes & Noble College that lists the required textbooks for their classes.
With this information, students can compare pricing on the open market and a la carte through the OWU bookstore vs. the flat charge to help inform their decision. (If no texts are required in any of their courses, the student will not receive an email, and they should opt out).
Within a few days of the first email from Barnes & Noble College, students receive a second email asking them to confirm their opt-in by choosing a delivery method for their package of textbooks – either a ship-to address or a pick-up at the OWU bookstore. OR, if they’ve decided to buy all of their textbooks on their own, they can opt-out at https://sso.bncollege.com/bes-sp/bessso/saml/owuedu/fdcopt/logon. If you have any trouble with the link, please contact the OWU bookstore at 740-368-3396. Upon successfully opting out, the First Day Complete charge will be automatically removed from your student account within 3 business days.
For the Fall 2024 Term, you can opt-out anytime between July 22 and August 29. If you opt-out of First Day® Complete for this term, you are assuming responsibility for buying the correct editions of all of your own required course materials, either “a la carte” through the Campus Store or another retailer, and having them in time for classes.
Troubleshooting tips: Note the limited timeframe of the opt-out window. It is recommended to use Google Chrome. If that alone doesn’t help, clear your Chrome cache and cookies, then try again. If the opt-out link is still not working for you, please reach out directly to the bookstore.