Rooms & Roommates

Are there any “single-gender” residence halls on campus?

Yes. Hayes Hall is an all-female residence hall. There are no all-male residence halls on OWU’s campus. All other halls on campus besides Hayes are coeducational residence halls.

What if I don’t like my roommate?

We make every effort to match you with a compatible roommate; for this reason it is crucial that the information you provide on your Housing Application is as honest and complete as possible. Learning to live with a roommate is often one of the most significant learning experiences of being at college. It is important to make an effort to communicate your concerns with each other to try to resolve the problems. We also take into consideration that not all living situations will work out as they are assigned. Should problems come up, talk to your Resident Assistant for some help or suggestions. If problems still persist without resolution, you and your RA should meet with your RLC to discuss some options.

Can residents trade rooms during the year?

Room changes can be made during the year, however availability depends upon the amount of space available. There is a two-week freeze at the beginning and end of each semester in which no student will be given permission to move. If you wish to trade rooms with another student or move to another room on campus, you will need to complete a Room Change Request Form, which is available in the Residential Life Office, HWCC 213.

Are single rooms available?

Learning to live in a community with roommates is an important part of the residential experience; therefore, incoming students are assigned to rooms with roommates. Students who need assigned to a single room as a medical necessity should contact the Residential Life Office as early as possible to learn about the housing accommodation process.

Can first-year students apply for gender-inclusive housing?

If incoming students indicate on their housing applications that their needs cannot be met under the typical housing assignment process, the Residential Life Office will work with that student to address the issue(s) and identify a living arrangement to meet the individual student’s needs. 

More information on gender-inclusive housing.

How are roommates matched?

We rely heavily on the information provided by students on their Housing Application, so you’ll want to make sure your student fills out the form as honestly and completely as possible. Things like being a morning person or a night owl and favorite types of music really do matter. Students also are able to choose their own roommates ahead of time by listing those names on their housing application. Read more at Office of Residential Life Housing Selection.