Public Safety – CLERY Student Travel Form

Is your organized Student Travel Trip reportable for Clery purposes and how are the trips reported?

Clery-reportable Student Travel Trips are those where Ohio Wesleyan University has a written agreement for housing accommodations and/or space which are:

  • Two (2) nights or longer; in the same hotel/house/residential facility.


  • One (1) night or longer, for repeated use of the same space (i.e., the same hotel/house/residential facility utilized is used every year or more frequently).

In summary, Clery-reportable trips are any OWU Student Travel trips of two nights or more in the same housing location, and if the housing location is a frequently utilized location (i.e., the same camp every year, a favorite hotel, etc.). Even if the housing location is only used one night a year, it is considered a Clery-reportable travel trip.

If a trip is Clery-reportable, a responsible TRIP ADMINISTRATOR is required to complete and submit the below Clery Student Travel Form. Note: Please be aware that groups/sport team trips require only one form to be completed.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Cathy Hursey (, 740-368-3852).

Please submit this form within 30 days following the trip. Thank you.

Note: All fields are required unless otherwise noted.

Reporting Person Contact Information
OWU Department Name:
OWU Phone Number:
OWU Email Address:

Lodging/Location Information
Name of Business:
Complete Mailing Address:
(include street address, city, country, state, province/county/district, ZIP/postal code, etc.)
Check-in Date:
Check-in Time:
Check-out Date:
Check-out Time:
Specific room numbers and areas used by students:

Law Enforcement Agencies with Jurisdiction

Note: There are often multiple Law Enforcement Agencies in a jurisdiction. For example, a city/municipality police agency, a county agency, a state agency, and so on.

Agency #1 Name:
Agency #1 Complete Mailing Address:
(include street address, city, country, state, ZIP/postal code, etc.)
Agency #2 Name:
Agency #2 Complete Mailing Address:
(optional, include street address, city, country, state, ZIP/postal code, etc.)
Agency #3 Name:
Agency #3 Complete Mailing Address:
(optional, include street address, city, country, state, ZIP/postal code, etc.)

Please provide any additional remarks/comments here: