At OWU, we want you to satisfy every curiosity and explore every opportunity—classes, clubs, the arts, sports, and service. This is a fully residential campus, and the OWU experience goes 24/7. Something's always happening at Hamilton-Williams Campus Center, and our residence halls, Greek houses, and SLUs are alive with activity.

Day on the JAY celebration

The JAYwalk

Life on campus starts around the fountain on the JAYwalk. That's our "town square," between Beeghly Library and Ham-Wil Campus Center. You'll see virtually everyone here at some point in the day. And be sure to say "hi" to President Rock Jones, and introduce yourself when you see him there at lunch or an event.

The JAYwalk connects OWU's academic core with the residential west side of campus. And twice a year, it's where we all come together for Day on the JAY celebrations—the most popular days of the year at OWU.

Small Living Units (SLUs) at the west end of the JAYwalk lead students along Rowland Avenue to the rest of the residential campus, including the new senior apartments in Bradford Milligan Hall and newly-renovated Smith Hall for first-year students.

Department of Student Engagement and Success Contact Info


Hamilton-Williams Campus Center 230
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, OH 43015
P 740-368-3135
F 740-368-3174