Please join the newly formed Genetics Clubs as we organize the first 'episode' of our "Genetics & _____ with..." Series. These special events are going to be emphasizing the overlap that genetics has in many different fields such as microbiology, business, psychology, healthcare, politics, and so much more! On Monday, March 20th from 12:00PM to 1:00PM, Kisha Johnson will be joining the Genetics Clubs to discuss over zoom her life experiences with genetics, and how she went from undergrad to becoming a genetic counselor to work at a management capacity for Myriad Genetics! We invite all students to join both this event and the genetics club, we welcome everyone regardless of any direct involvement in Genetics! All we ask is you sign-up for this special event at this link. Please follow us on Instagram at owugeneticsclub, or on Facebook at Owu Genetics Clubs! Thank you! - Genetics Club Officers
RSVP Information:
Please sign-up for event before March 20th at 11:00AM, thank you!
OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Genetics Club
Contact: Jess Nichols at jmnichol@owu.edu