Thank you so much for your participation in the Overnight Host Team! The overnight experience can be the most important part of a campus visit and we are very appreciative of your help! In order to receive payment for hosting, you MUST fill out the short evaluation below. Your comments are very valuable to the counselors in the Admissions Office. Thank you!

Evaluation Form

Note: Fields marked with a red dot are required.

* = required field

Hosting Information

Your name *
Prospective student’s name *
Date of prospective student's visit: *
Did this prospective student stay overnight, or only for the social event? *

Evaluation Questions

During the visit, did the prospective student mention other school(s) that he/she is still considering? *
On a scale of 1-5 (with 5 being the most interested), indicate the student’s level of interest in OWU to the best of your knowledge *
Did your student ask questions that need follow-up from the Admissions staff? (e.g., did they ask about any specific clubs/activities, majors, etc. and need more information?) *

Please add any additional comments (e.g., about personality, interests, etc....any additional insight that may help us as we continue to work to recruit this student)

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