To graduate with Honors one must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Achieve at least a 3.5 cumulative grade point average by graduation.
  2. Complete at least 4.5 units of work in the Honors Program, including the following:
    1. Freshmen/Sophomore Honors Seminars or Honors Tutorials (1 unit)
    2. Two additional units chosen from any of the following: Honors Seminar, Honors Course, Honors in Course, Honors Tutorial (2 units)
    3. Introduction to Honors Research and Inquiry (0.25 unit, usually taken fall or spring Junior year)
    4. Honors Independent Study 490H (at least 1 unit, usually taken spring Junior year or fall/spring Senior year)
    5. University Honors Capstone Seminar (0.25 unit taken simultaneously with 490H)
  3. The student will choose 3-4 faculty members (with input from their faculty mentor) to serve on the Examining Committee. At least two faculty members should be related to the discipline of the thesis topic, and at least one member must be from a department or discipline not closely related to the thesis topic. Once the faculty members have agreed to serve on the committee, the student must report their names to Sarah Brook in the Academic Affairs Office (
  4. Students intending to graduate with Honors must file an Application to Graduate with Honors (using this form) with the Academic Affairs Office no later than the end of the twelfth week in the semester preceding the final semester before graduation (typically fall of senior year).
  5. The student's honors project must include a written report, creative work, or written reflection. The student must submit their written project to the Examining Committee before the end of the semester preceding the final semester before graduation (typically fall of senior year).  
  6. The Committee will review the student's thesis during the student's last semester before graduation (typically spring of senior year) and give the student an oral examination of the project. The Committee will then determine if the Honors Project meets the standards of Graduation with Honors.
  7. If the Examining Committee determines the student has met the requirements for Graduating with Honors, the Committee will email with the Academic Affairs Office by the end of the thirteenth week of the final semester before graduation.
  8. Once the student has made any necessary corrections to their final Honors Project, the student will submit their thesis to the Honors Project collection in OWU's institutional repository. Here is a link to the Honors Project Submission Form

    A student who satisfies these conditions will Graduate with Honors. This will be noted in the commencement program and in the student's permanent record.
Submit Examining Committee names Early Spring 2024 Early Fall 2024 Early Spring 2025
Submit Application to Graduate with Honors By April 12, 2024 By Nov 15, 2024 By April 11, 2025
Submit written project By May 7, 2024 By Dec 12, 2024 By May 6, 2025
Examining Committee review and oral examination Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025
Submit Certification of Honors Earned By Nov 22, 2024 By April 18, 2025 By Nov 21, 2025


To apply to graduate with honors, complete this Application to Graduate With Honors form.

Contact Info


Honors Office
Phillips Hall #214
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, OH 43015
P 740-368-3562
P 740-368-3886
F 740-368-3553