Reader's Letters
OWU in the Big Apple
I enjoyed the fall edition of the OWU Magazine with a focus on alumni in "Taking a Bite Out of the Big Apple" and "The Insider's Guide to NYC."
As you may know, NYC is composed of five boroughs: Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, Staten Island, and Brooklyn. Having been raised in Brooklyn, attending all public schools there, before attending OWU in the fall of 1961, our fellow alumni may have forgotten about one of OWU's most brave and courageous alumni, Branch Rickey 1904.
NYC had three major league baseball teams when I was a child: the New York Yankees, New York Giants, and Brooklyn Dodgers.
Those of my age enjoyed the movie 42, involving the role that Branch Rickey had in breaking the color barrier in MLB by signing Jackie Robinson. Ebbets Field— home of the Brooklyn Dodgers—was replaced by the Ebbets Field Apartments, with a home plate marker in the sidewalk. This spot ties OWU alumni visiting NYC to the site of Branch Rickey and the history of the Brooklyn Dodgers!
The movie 42 is still available to stream for those who want to learn more about the Rickey-Robinson relationship and its lasting impact on baseball. It's a great day to be a Bishop!
– Pete Lee '65
Gratitude for Shirley
Hello, from a '62X long-time contributor.
I was thrilled with the Gifts & Gratitude article! Both the success of Shirley Paden-Bernstein '73, and the commitment to first-gen student success. I was deeply gratified to see the inclusion of LGBTQIA+ students called out.
My two years at OWU and two more at BWU in Berea, OH, gave me a foundation for my career that focused on helping people develop their capabilities. And in retirement, in Duluth, Minnesota, I am still deeply engaged with the BIPOC and differently gendered community as a volunteer.
And it was great to read about the actively engaged new president and his "What Matters Tour!"
– Janet Smith Magree '62X
Mystery Photo ID
I am sorry that I didn't write earlier about the mystery photo in the Spring 2023 OWU Magazine. In any event, I can tell you with 100 percent certainty that the swimmer identified as Al Waterfield is not Al. The swimmer second from left in the photo is Jim Brown. Dr. Jerry Dickey, a teammate of all of these men, had all of the names correct!
By the way, Barry Poulson, one of the letter writers, is Class of 1959, rather than Class of '51.
As for the photo in the latest issue of the magazine, I don't have a clue! But it is a wonderful issue! Thanks so very much!
– Bob Holm '60
Mystery Solved!
I believe I am the only person who can answer your mystery.
The ONLY connection that picture (Mysteries from the Archives, Fall 2023) has to Ohio Wesleyan is me, Chuck Frostick, Class of 1979, standing on the far left in the back row.
It is from my George Washington High School 1975 yearbook—in Charleston, West Virginia.
During my college years (and later into the 1980s when I continued to work for the school in a variety of jobs) I was a photographer for OWU, working through the public relations/sports information office, and also shooting for The Transcript and the yearbook. I can only imagine that somehow that photograph from my precollege days ended up in a stack of Ohio Wesleyan pictures. I must have, at some time, shown this picture to friends.
It shows a silly "float" we put together for a homecoming parade as a followup to the previous year's float, which was a huge beer "can" made up of hundreds of empty cans. We were obviously not as ambitious in our float making as was the crew from the previous year.
Certainly not the explanation I'm sure you were hoping for, but this does answer your mystery.
– Chuck Frostick '79
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OWU Magazine
Office of Communications
61 S. Sandusky St., Delaware, OH 43015
Letters may be edited for length and clarity.
What Should Be OWU's Next Favorite City?

Over the past few years, OWU Magazine has been publishing a series of feature articles on alumni living in a particular city. The articles tell the story of a city through the lens of OWU alumni living, working, raising families, and making a difference in the city. The series is called "OWU's Favorite Cities."
Todd Showalter '91 wrote to say that he loves the series, and he proposes that the next city OWU Magazine features should be Chicago.
"It's a great city full of OWU alumni, who I am sure would love to tell their stories," he says.
What do you think? Do you agree with Todd that we should head up to the City of the Big Shoulders? What do you think should be the next city OWU Magazine spotlights?
Please email your suggestions to Tell us why you think your city deserves the title "OWU's Favorite City."