Learning to Legislate
Ohio Wesleyan Students Connect with Law Firm, Lobbyist
Name: Ezra Roberts ’21
Hometown: Seattle, Washington
Majors: Politics and Government and History
OWU Connection Experience: Externship with Calfee, Halter & Griswold, LLP
Roberts and William Ashburn ’19 spent a week in March interning at Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP with Ohio Wesleyan graduate Josh Sanders ’97, a registered lobbyist and partner in the law firm’s Columbus office. During their OWU Connection externship, Roberts and Ashburn were able to visit the Ohio Statehouse to listen to a committee hearing and experience first-hand the process of passing a law.
Why this opportunity?
“This opportunity in particular really spoke to me and lined up really well with my major, as I would be working with a lobbyist in the Ohio Statehouse.
“Being able to not just see politics in action, but also to actively participate in the lobbying process and meet face to face with major state lawmakers was too good of an opportunity to pass up.”

Lessons learned
“The biggest eye-opener for me about the experience was definitely the amount of time and work that went into getting a law passed, from meeting with lawmakers to hearings in committees, to open floor debate in the Senate.
“It was amazing that I got to experience all that in one day and truly see how the whole process worked.
“The experience aligned perfectly with my career goals giving me a good look into the career path I have been working for.”
Why did you choose Ohio Wesleyan?
“I originally chose to attend OWU for the small school experience in a new part of the country. At the time, I had never lived in the Midwest and was looking for a new experience.”
What are your plans after graduation?
“As of right now, I have no concrete plans for after graduation besides working.”