Alumni/Parent Admission Recruitment Team (A/PART)

The A/PART program assists in the recruitment process of prospective students, enhancing the personal approach of the University by assisting with college fairs, calling admitted students, submitting student referrals and attending regional admission events.

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Parent Speakers Bureau

The Speakers Bureau consists of OWU parents who are willing to speak at Admission and Alumni Relations programs both on and off campus. The Speakers Bureau serves as a go-to list for the Admission Office and Alumni Relations to secure speakers and panelists throughout the year.

Parent-to-Parent Calling

The parent-to-parent calling program consists of parents who volunteer to call parents of recently admitted students to help answer questions, encourage campus visits, and promote Ohio Wesleyan.



Mowry Alumni Center
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, OH 43015
P 855-OWU-1842
F 740-368-3328

Social Media

Office Contact

Katie Webster
Director of Alumni Relations