Students and coaches are responsible for scheduling all home and away games.

Away Games Process

  • Confirm date and time with visiting school
  • If the club is using university vehicles through Motor Pool, there must be an authorized driver per each vehicle driven. To become an authorized driver with the university, click the link here
  • Notify the Assistant Athletic Director about the away game along with placing a transportation request through Engage. The Assistant Athletic Director will review, check the budget to confirm funds were approved for transportation, and check availability with Motor Pool. It is best to book transportation as early as possible to ensure a van is available. Colin will accept or deny the transportation request on Engage depending on if it is available with Motor Pool.
  • Pick up transportation (if applicable) at the Motor Pool. If pick up is not during business hours, contact Public Safety and they will get you the keys for the vehicle. They can be reached at 740-368-2222
  • If lodging is needed, please send the request to the Assistant Athletic Director including: names and amount of members staying, amount of rooms needed, date of check in and check out, and any other additional information that might be needed. Club members are to request two queen size beds per room and sleep four club members to a room.

Home Games Process

  • Schedule the playing field with the Assistant Athletic Director to confirm if it is available for your desired date and time
  • A minimum of a 2 week notice is required when scheduling a home game to confirm that an athletic trainer is available and that buildings and grounds can paint the field (if applicable)
  • Coach and students are responsible for ensuring game is confirmed with the appropriate organizations as well as any officials required to be on site (if applicable)