Campus Activities & Career Connection

Can I start a new student organization on campus?

Yes, with a minimum of ten other interested students. Go to the New Club Process page for the procedures and paperwork.

How can I find out about activities/programs happening on a daily basis at Ohio Wesleyan?

You will receive the OWU Daily in your email every weekday. Student organizations send out messages to their constituents via Engage, and many also advertise in the Hamilton-Williams Campus Center by tabling at lunch or hanging a banner in the Atrium.

Where on campus can I find information about summer employment and internships?

Summer jobs and internships are posted in the Career Connection handshake database for OWU students. You may access handshake by visiting the Career Connection website and clicking the BishopLink icon. Many more opportunities can be found in the Students section of the Career Connection website. Students are welcome to talk with a career professional to discuss options and strategies for finding summer opportunities; stop by during our daily drop-in hours on Monday through Thursday from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. on the second floor of Slocum Hall off of the reading room (room with the huge stained glass ceiling), email, or call x3152 for an appointment.

How do I find information about post-graduate opportunities?

Career Connection can help you explore and consider various post-graduate options, including graduate school, employment, and Gap Year programs and adventures like the Peace Corps. Upcoming career & grad school fairs, on-campus interviews, information sessions, and other events can be found on the Career Connection website. Individual advising appointments are available to assist you with your search and offer additional ways to strengthen your preparation, including services such as resume and cover letter/personal statement review and mock interviews. Start exploring your options now by visiting the Career Connection website, stopping by during our daily drop-in hours on Monday through Thursday from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. in the office located on the second floor of Slocum Hall, or calling x3152 or emailing to schedule an appointment.