Each year, existing Small Living Units must propose their house and be renewed as a SLU for the following year. Students interested in proposing new SLUs can also apply for a house.  While many of our current SLUs have been present on campus for several years, there is no guarantee that a house will be renewed. Existing SLUs must demonstrate sustainability as a community by maintaining full occupancy and completing required house projects.  Newly proposed SLUs must present a compelling case for a house.

The SLU application is intended to assist existing SLUs and new groups in laying the foundations for a strong community, to reflect on the current academic year, and to consider how they can grow as a community.  The areas listed below are considered in the selection process, and the application requires this information to assist the SLU selection committee in evaluating applications.  Areas considered in the process are:

  • Current occupancy of the house*
  • Proposed occupancy for the 2017-2018 academic year
  • Results of health and safety inspections during the 2016-2017 academic year*
  • Completion of house projects during the 2016-2017 academic year*
  • Providing 2 eligible Moderator candidates
  • Providing at least 1 faculty/staff advisor
  • Answers provided to questions at the end of the application
  • Content of the presentation

 *Indicates sections required for existing SLUs only


More Information

If you have any questions about SLU Selection, please contact Thea Smekens, Residential Life Coordinator: 

P   740-368-3180
E   tjsmeken@owu.edu

Contact Info


Office of Residential Life
Hamilton-Williams Campus Center #213
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, OH 43015
P 740-368-3175
F 740-368-3174
E reslife@owu.edu

Social Media