Eva Paris-Huesca

Associate Professor of Spanish and
Director of Film Studies Program


  • B.A, Universidad de Valencia, Spain
  • M.A., University of Nebraska
  • Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Amherst


Eva Paris-Huesca completed her doctoral dissertation at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst in Hispanic language and culture and holds a Certificate in Film Studies. She started working at OWU in 2014, she was promoted and granted tenure in 2020 and is currently the director of the Film Studies Program. Her upper level courses and research focus on contemporary Spanish literature and Spanish women´s cinema. Of special interest to her is the study of Spanish crime fiction from the lens of historical memory, gender studies, cultural studies and feminist film theories. She is currently working on her book project, Compromiso, cine y género: Cineastas españolas del nuevo milenio, co-authored with Dr. Dosinda Alvite (Denison University).

Dr. Paris-Huesca regularly teaches introductory and intermediate language & culture courses, including Spanish for the Professions, Artistic Expressions of the Hispanic World and Spanish in the Medical Field, as well as the following upper level and specialized courses:

  • SPAN 367 Spanish culture, literature and Cinema: from XIXth C to the present
  • SPAN 300.10 Femmes Fatales, Murderers and Other Outcasts: Spanish Crime Fiction from its Origins to the Present.
  • SPAN 499 Seminar: Women Behind the Camera: Spanish Cinema Directed by Women
  • SPAN 361 Contemporary Spanish Peninsular Theatre
  • ENG 254 Introductions to Film Analysis
  • SPAN 190.6 Through the Spanish Lens: Contemporary Spanish Society Through Cinema.

In her classes, Dr. Paris-Huesca uses cinema and literature as a pedagogical tool so that learners can place language and culture into context and see the social, political, historical, and cultural complexities and transformations of the Spanish-speaking worlds. She wants her students to question stereotyped perceptions, gain an enduring knowledge of the different existing languages officially spoken in Spain, and have a more profound exposure to diverse cultural viewpoints. Dr. Paris-Huesca subscribes to a holistic means of teaching, in which the student and the professor are both responsible partners for the learning. This view contributes to learning languages as alive and ever evolving structures that are part of our worlds and our experiences. This philosophy of partnership is the thread that runs through the numerous courses she has taught and the various projects that students develop: video essays, short films, and professional portfolios are some examples.

Since her arrival at OWU in 2014, she has supervised numerous honors thesis, research grants and other academic projects, and she has been involved in the organization of cultural and academic events on a regular basis, including the annual Hispanic Film Festival. She has travelled with students to Barcelona and the Basque Country through the Spanish Crime Fiction Travel Learning Course and is planning another travel learning course to Spain to complete a portion of the Camino de Santiago with her students.  

Areas of Interest/Expertise

  • Contemporary Spanish Peninsular literatures and cultures
  • Spanish cinema directed by women.
  • Spanish noir and crime fiction of female authorship

Selected Publications


  • Agencia, historia y empoderamiento femenino. Diane Marting, Eva París and Yamile Silva, (Coords. and Eds.) Ministerio de la Mujer, Crítica Dominicana Literaria, Santo Domingo, 2018.

Book Chapters

  • “Este cuerpo es mío: resignificación de la madurez de la mujer en el cine de Pilar Miró y Josefina Molina.” Envejecimientos y cines ibéricos. Barbara Zecchi, Cristina Moreiras-Menor, Pilar Raquel Medina, M. Pilar Rodríguez Pérez (Eds.) Tirant lo Blanch, 2021.
  • “De la urbe mítica a la periferia histórica: la búsqueda de nuevos espacios e identidades ‘glocales’ en la serie literaria de Susana Martín Gijón.” Spanish Women Authors of Serial Crime Fiction: Repeat Offenders in the 21st Century. Inmaculada Pertusa-Seva and Melissa A. Stewart (Eds.) Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020.
  • “Reivindicando el cine ginocriminal español: el proyecto pionero de La ciudad perdida de Margarita Alexandre.” Papeles del crimen. Mujeres y violencia en la ficción criminal. María Xesús Lama, Elena Losada, and Dolores Resano (Eds.) Universidad de Barcelona, Spain, 2019.
  • “Ryu se viste para matar: el universo noir de Isabel Coixet.” Tras las lentes de Isabel Coixet. Barbara Zecchi (ed.) University of Zaragoza, Spain, 2018.

Peer Reviewed Journals

  • “Let us not Forget: Female Agency and Historical (Dis)remembering in Patricia Ferreira’s Cinema” Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies, 2021.

Selected Awards, Grants, and Scholarships