OWU's Management Economics major is a hybrid major with core classes in both business and economics. It is for students who are interested in being a leader in business, running their own company, and getting real-world experience before they graduate.

About the major

As a Management Economics major, you build a foundation in macro- and micro-economic theory and research methods, as well as the business disciplines of marketing, accounting, and finance. You can go more in-depth with advanced classes in any of those areas, or explore topics like entrepreneurship, organizational behavior, international business—or whatever interests you through an independent study under the guidance of knowledgeable faculty.

Many of our upper-level classes use case studies and discussions as a form of instruction. Students also sometimes work with local businesses or nonprofit organizations to implement class concepts in "live" management situations. A few students have even taken their ideas from entrepreneurship class and developed them into ongoing, viable businesses. Overall, we focus on developing transferable skills such as communication and critical thinking, so you can expect to be asked to analyze, present, and defend your recommendations.

Students have the opportunity and are encouraged to double major and minor either within our department or across disciplines in order to graduate with a unique skill set. For example, a student interested in business who also plays the piano could major in both at Ohio Wesleyan.

Related Minors


Graduate Outcomes

Katie Nunner '15

Katie is an Economic and Social Business Consultant at Hope for Haiti in Washington, D.C. She earned a master's degree at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Department Contact Info


R.W. Corns Building Room 225
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, OH 43015
P 740-368-3535
F 740-368-3551
E econ.bus@owu.edu

Department Contact

Chair: Goran Skosples
Associate Professor of Economics

Academic Assistant: Lori Lucas