Congratulations! We are delighted that you have committed to enrolling at Ohio Wesleyan University! 

Be on the lookout for an email from within 24 hours. The email will guide you through the process of setting up your OWU email account which will allow you to register for housing, receive future communication and much more.

Documents required before we can issue the I-20:

  1. Submit an updated (if applicable) Affidavit of Financial Resources . You will need to print, fill out, sign and send back by email to All financial documents are subject to verification; Ohio Wesleyan University reserves the right to contact the financial institution of the guarantors/sponsors.
  2. The amount to be certified for the first year is the difference between the total cost of billed charges and estimated out of pocket expenses per year and your award. Details are found on our Costs & Fees page
  3. Submit the I-20 Issuance Form. Ensure that your permanent address is where you live and not a company or relative's address.
  4. Submit the Initial Attendance Form I-20 Student Acknowledgement Form.
  5. Email to a copy of the bio page of your passport to ensure your name is correctly listed on the I-20 form.
  6. If you are currently enrolled at a U.S. High School or U.S. University, you will need to submit the SEVIS transfer form:  High School University.
  7. If your financial sponsor is a US citizen or legal permanent resident, they will need to submit a USCIS form I-134 with required documentation.

We will be submitting all of your documents to the International and Off-Campus Programs Office for final approval and issuance of the I-20. Once received, they can issue the I-20 form within a few days, although slight delays could occur during periods when the University is closed.

Ms Dede Shine, our Assistant Director of International and Off-Campus Programs office, will process the I-20. She will contact you directly should she have any questions and when the I-20 is ready to be sent by email. She will also provide the SEVIS ID number to allow your payment of the SEVIS fee and to make an appointment. The I-20 document will also be sent by email.

If you have any questions about the I-20 process or visa issues, please contact Ms Shine directly at

By U.S. law, we cannot issue the SEVIS Form I-20 until we receive authoritative documentation that you have adequate support for your education for the first year. This is for your benefit as well as ours. It would be unfortunate for you to have to interrupt your education because of a lack of financial support.

It's important that you know that Ohio Wesleyan takes this certification of finances very seriously. Providing false information can jeopardize your status as a non-immigrant as well as your status as a student at Ohio Wesleyan.

You, your parents, or your sponsor may contact us anytime to receive answers to questions and concerns.

Additional Resources


Office of International Admission


Slocum Hall
75 S Sandusky St
Delaware, OH 43015
F 740-368-3314

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