All residence halls will close at noon on Saturday, November 23, 2024


Students who must remain on campus after closing, during the break or returning early must complete the online request form for break housing by Wednesday, November 20, 2024 at 11:59 pm.  There will be no additional charge to stay during the break. Anyone registering after November 20, 2024 will be assessed a late fee of $25.00.   The break housing form must be accessed from a computer.  It does not work with mobile devices.

Note:  Only those students who have requested and received permission to be on campus will have access to their residential community.

IMPORTANT: Any student remaining on campus over any portion of the break without prior approval by the Residential Life Office will be referred to the student conduct process.


All residential communities will reopen at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, December 1, 2024.  It is expected that all students returning from break will move back into their residence halls after that time.


For more information go to Shuttle Schedule.


  1. Unplug all electrical appliances (excluding refrigerators).
  2. Empty wastebaskets and discard perishable foods.
  3. Lock windows and close the curtains.
  4. Turn out all lights and lock the room.
  5. A residential life staff member will check each room for compliance with the above expectations.  Any observable violation of university policy will be referred to Student Conduct.


Safety inspections will be conducted in rooms and suites after students leave.  This process helps to ensure room windows are closed, there are no fire hazards present, and all doors are locked and secured.  While the purpose of these inspections is not to search for policy violations, we are obligated to report any and all violations we see in the course of our safety inspection (i.e. empty alcohol containers, candles, theft of University property, etc.).  Note that we will not look in drawers or closets; however, we will take note of any concerns in "plain view".  Take this opportunity to take prohibited items home with you.


Mail will not be forwarded during break.  If you are expecting an important piece of mail that needs to be forwarded, contact the mail room before you leave.  Newspapers will not be held.


All dining facilities are closed for the break beginning at 8pm on Friday, November 22, 2024.  Limited dining will be available at an additional cost to students. Students can choose to eat meals on campus, but are not required to do so.  Lunch and dinner are offered at $24.50/per day, and students can opt in to those and are billed for them before the break period begins.  Any unused meals over the break period cannot be used at any other time and no money will be reimbursed for unused break meals.  You will be billed for any days you select on the break housing registration form and changes will not be able to be made after you submit your break housing registration.  The deadline for meal registration Friday, December 13th at 5pm.  Meals over breaks can only be offered if 50 or more people participate.  We will notify students if we are not offering meals.  


Any student wishing to store a bicycle for the Spring Break should contact the Public Safety Office in Welch Hall to make arrangements.

Bicycles are not to be left in corridors, public areas, or stairwells of any residence unit or in student bathrooms.  They will be impounded, and the owners will be charged an impound fee. Motorcycles must not be stored in any residence hall, small living unit, or fraternity.


Property of Ohio Wesleyan University which has found its way to a student's room without approval will be removed during the break, and the residents of that room will be referred to the student conduct process.



Contact Info


Residential Life Office
Hamilton-Williams Campus Center #213
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, OH 43015
P 740-368-3175
F 740-368-3174

Social Media