Philosophy is integral to a person's education and to shaping how we understand our world and how we can live a fulfilling life.


Philosophy majors develop important skills through detailed textual analysis and lively intellectual debates that prepare them for careers in business, law, medicine, teaching, and the ministry. A low student-faculty ratio provides for a variety of carefully supervised individual research projects.

You'll explore theories of idealism, materialism, utilitarianism, pragmatism, and existentialism, and you'll study the world's great philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Hegel, Mill, Nietzsche, Arendt, and Beauvoir.

You will learn to analyze, evaluate, and construct arguments in defense of particular views. There also is considerable attention paid to writing, with the aim of producing better, more precise, and persuasive writers.

Related Minors


Graduate Outcomes

Joe Kirincic '16

A Philosophy and Mathematics double-major, Joe is a data analyst at OnShift, a computer software company in Cleveland, Ohio.

Department Contact Info


Phillips Hall 114
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, OH 43015
P 740-368-3802

Department Contact

Chair: Erin Flynn
Professor in the Department of Philosophy & Religion
Phillips Hall 114

Academic Assistant: Christina Muirhead-Gould
Phillips Hall 052A