Guest Lectures
The Merrick Lecture series brings a visiting renowned scholar in religion or philosophy to OWU every year. In addition to a lecture, the scholar leads a discussion with a small group of students.
Philosophy is integral to a person's education and to shaping how we understand our world and how we can live a fulfilling life.
Philosophy majors develop important skills through detailed textual analysis and lively intellectual debates that prepare them for careers in business, law, medicine, teaching, and the ministry. A low student-faculty ratio provides for a variety of carefully supervised individual research projects.
You'll explore theories of idealism, materialism, utilitarianism, pragmatism, and existentialism, and you'll study the world's great philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Hegel, Mill, Nietzsche, Arendt, and Beauvoir.
You will learn to analyze, evaluate, and construct arguments in defense of particular views. There also is considerable attention paid to writing, with the aim of producing better, more precise, and persuasive writers.
Philosophy majors can work with faculty mentors on senior independent projects, diving deeply into topics that interest them.
You may present your research at the annual Student Symposium.
As a senior, Daniel Sweet '16 (left) won the Loyd D. Easton Award for "superior overall work in philosophy."
The OWU Connection provides a variety of opportunities for all students to go global. Travel-Learning Courses combine classroom study with travel to areas of the world where you may study how the issues you discuss in class really come to life. Or you can use a Theory-to-Practice Grant to explore a topic anywhere in the world.
Philosophy and Religion students have studied and pursued research projects in Europe, Asia, and Latin America.
Daniel Delatte '19, Leslie Melton, Eli Reed '19, HannahJo Grimes '20, Adedayo Akinmadeyemi '19, Lisa Hp, Cara Harris '18 and Anna L. Davies '19 with Father Martin Magill, a priest and peaceworker in Northern Ireland. Their trip was funded by a Theory-to-Practice Grant.
Build your experience and connections to the professional world with internships both on and off campus. You can work with the Career Connection office to identify and secure internships.
You can also join interfaith service teams that travel across the country and overseas during spring break to volunteer in areas of high need.
OWU faculty are outstanding scholars and researchers—and passionate teachers. They will push you, challenge you, inspire you, and work with you on your own research and creative projects.
They can even pack a 3-minute lecture with ideas, insight, and imagination. Check out our unique I³ lectures.
The Merrick Lecture series brings a visiting renowned scholar in religion or philosophy to OWU every year. In addition to a lecture, the scholar leads a discussion with a small group of students.
Present your senior research project to the campus community at the annual Spring Student Symposium, or during the end-of-the-year Philosophy senior capstone presentations.
Participate in Phi Sigma Tau, the international philosophy honor society. Students can be eligible by their sophomore year if they've completed two semesters of philosophy courses and rank in the upper 35 percent of their class.
Beeghly Library has many uncommon and valuable 19th-and early 20th-century works on religion. In addition, students have access to the library of the nearby Methodist Theological School in Ohio.
A Philosophy and Mathematics double-major, Joe is a data analyst at OnShift, a computer software company in Cleveland, Ohio.
Recent OWU philosophy graduates have won university writing prizes and have been published in peer-reviewed journals. High-achieving students are frequently accepted to M.A., Ph.D., and J.D. programs.
Philosophy major Jessica Monroe '09 earned her J.D. from the University of Cincinnati College of Law and moved on to become an attorney at a law firm in Cleveland, advocating for and advising unions on the forefront of the fight for economic justice.
Jess Choate '17 is a housing specialist with Santa Maria Community Services, where she helps families find affordable housing and apply for government programs. Emily Burns '18 works as a community organizer at Sunnyside United Methodist Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Jessica Kyler '10 found success working in the customer service industry. She currently works as a relationship banker for BB&T in Charleston, West Virginia.
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In 2018, Dr. Shari Stone-Mediatore helped design a "Prisoners' Lives Matter" stamp to combat prison stigma. She exhibited the stamp at a fundraiser in Chicago.
Keionna Badie meets a goat during an Environmental Ethics field trip to Stratford Ecological Center.
Students explore postcolonialism on a Travel-Learning Course with Dr. Stone-Mediatore in Mexico.
Small class sizes means courses often feature an off-campus component for students to apply their research and classroom skills.
Colin Stolly '18 talks about his experience as a double-major in philosophy and accounting - and as an infielder on the OWU baseball team.
Philosophy students have ample opportunities to travel, furthering their research and expanding their worldviews. Recent Theory-to-Practice Grant recipients have traveled to India, Switzerland, and Nepal.
Alex Reichardt meets llamas at the Environmental Ethics class trip to Stratford Ecological Center.
Vicky Bush and Professor Shari Stone-Mediatore enjoy the Environmental Ethics class trip to Stratford Ecological Center.