For additional information see the section "Eligibility for Services."

I have been accepted by OWU and have decided to enroll. I have a diagnosed disability and would like to use accommodations at OWU. What do I do?

You need to complete this Intake Form to the Accessibility Services Office. Documentation should be uploaded to this form. The sooner you do this, the better prepared that we can be to help you.

What kind of documentation do I need?

We prefer documentation that establishes the history of you disability and how it limits your learning/academic coursework. This may include one or more of the following:

  • IEP / 504 from high school
  • Psychological evaluation
  • Completed disability verification form
  • Formal documentation from a medical professional that specializes in the student's disability

How recent does the testing need to be?

Preferably, we would like test scores from high school that used adult-norms. We recognize though, that some districts do not retest in high school. If you were diagnosed earlier, we may accept documentation that is older to document the disability.

Classes begin soon, what do I do now?

You will receive email communication from the Accessibility Services Coordinator in the month leading up to the start of classes inviting you to schedule a Welcome Meeting that will establish your academic accommodations. 

Can I have the same accommodations that I received in K-12? What about the recommendations that my doctor gave me?

Similar accommodations may be available at Ohio Wesleyan. Remember, though, that you are no longer covered under the IDEA laws (see "Resources" page). The recommendations for accommodation from your doctor(s) are taken into consideration, but are not guaranteed to be granted.

I would like my professor(s) to know more about my disability. What should I do?

Keeping an open line of communication between yourself and your professor(s) can be very helpful. Although you are not required to disclose your disability, your professor(s) may find it useful when working with you in the classroom. 

Contact Info

Hours M-F: 8:30am-4:30 pm

Sagan Academic Resource Center
Hamilton-Williams Campus Center #324
61 S. Sandusky St.
Delaware, Ohio 43015
P (740)-368-3990
F 740-368-3499

OWU Testing Center

Anne Noonan, Testing Center Coordinator
OWU Testing Center
University Hall #114