International & Off-Campus Programs
Studying abroad during the summer has many benefits—OWU encourages students to consider their options to study at a partner institution or program for credit during the summer.
Our institutional parterns offer numerous pre-approved programs that provide quality academic and cocurricular experiences. You can be abroad for four to six weeks, get credit for one, two or three courses in a wide variety of subjects, including internships, and have a valuable cultural experience!
Since studying abroad during the summer is non-term (i.e., not part of the regular academic year), the application process is simple and quick.
When you have chosen a program you like, please complete this OWU Summer Study Away Participation Form along with the forms located in this Google Folder and email them to OR drop them off at the IOCP office in Slocum Hall.
Once you have completed the OWU application and forms, you may go directly to the provider website for a program application.
Scholarships are also available including the OWU Schott Summer Study Abroad Scholarship, the OWU West Summer Study Abroad Scholarship, and others. Most of our international partners also offer scholarships. Pell Grants are available for the summer also.Visit our Summer Study Away Scholarship page for more information.
For additional information and guidance feel free to schedule an appointment with one of our IOCP mentors or Associate Director, Lisa Ho.
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